Friday, June 5, 2020


Jacquelyn's Blog: 20 minutes Free Writing: The Black Cat (Pobble 365)

One day there was a little cat called Mrs cat and it was alone and the cat had a bros on it eyes were hurting and the cat was sad and this man came and took the cat to the SPCA and the SPCA took the cat and then when it was the next day the cat was happy and the cat had an Ona and the cat was so so happy and the Nona took care of him and they live together and when they had a very good time.
The next day the cat and the Ona took the little cat to the park and then he went to the shops and there was no one there and then Mrs cat was walking down the street so he was so scared that he went to his house and when he got to his house it was gon so he had to sleep on the road with his Ona. 
The next day the Ona and Mrs cat was going to the shop and he was saris because there was food on the surf so he went in the shop with his Ona so he got heaps of food and he went down with his Ona dawn his street and his house was there so they went into the house and it was a massing so they slap there and they had a go night sleep.